Each evening Adam schemes to rid himself of the seemingly omnipresent Koala: he hides it under the couch, over the refrigerator, behind a tree, among toy cars, in a purse, and even with the dirty laundry. Every morning, however, Adam wakes to find Koala there. In his bed. Sharing his pillow. A furry paw reaching over to grasp his face.
Spooky, indeed.
Despite his vocal protests, Adam's parents remain outwardly oblivious to Koala’s eerie abilities. And after a final attempt to lose Koala in the woods, Adam ultimately discovers that there’s more to fear than a cuddly, stuffed koala bear… isn’t there?
I Don’t Like Koala might not be for every child, but young fans of spooky, quirky reads might enjoy this subtly eerie picture book. For another darkly humorous story, try Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds.
Ages 4+
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