Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Exactly!  A dragonslayer has not been seen for many years.  Now, the last dragon in the Ununited Kingdom is dying.  Mayhaps all magic along with it.  Orphan, Jennifer Strange, manager of wizards and all things magical at the Kazam Mystical Arts Management is treading water and keeping things together, barely, while her boss is "away".  Come to find out, she is the last dragonslayer and the previous dragonslayer has been waiting for her for a long, long time.  With no time spare, she gets a crash course as an apprentice in the history of dragons and people, and dragonslayers and of course the dragonstation.  She's had the quickest apprenticeship ever.

But now with the imminent death of the dragon, everyone, from kings to land developers, are vying for the last of the open space of Dragonland.  Jasper Fforde's first book for children, The Last Dragonslayer, is a great fantasy that takes a while to set up but ends in a fantastically unexpected way. 

For readers in 6th-8th.  

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