Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Here's a review from 6th grader Naomi:

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
An Indian boy named Pi is trapped on a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and a Royal Bengal tiger after a mysterious shipwreck. Stuck with no food, water, or safety, he is forced to stay on the boat. Eventually, almost every animal dies except the tiger which is named Richard Parker. At first he is scared of the tiger, but as time moves on, Pi gets used to being around Richard. He learns many practical skills during this voyage to help him survive.

In this book, there were some rather gory scenes and descriptions that I would have preferred not to read.The author was very descriptive in his writing. I could not tell if this story was based on Pi's imagination or reality. I liked this book because of the intensity and emotion the author has expressed. It was made into a movie which almost matches the book.

For readers 6th grade and up. 

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