When Dan Hogg said he would help his uncle with his hot dog business at the fair, his uncle never mentioned that he would be passing out samples in a hot dog costume. It's a hundred degrees and no one wanted the yucky samples until a beautiful girl comes along. He's so smitten, he begins looking for her and let her try out the thousand dollar costume. With nothing to do but hang out in the bathroom stall in his underwear, Dan overhears a conversation about something criminal happening at the fair. What's a 15 yr. old boy gonna do, but try to protect his beloved crush, even if he is in his undies.
Hold the Pickles by Vicki Grant is part of the Orca Currents series that's short and easy to read. The Orca Currents are perfect for those older students who hate to read but have to. This one is full of puns and humor for readers in 7th grade and older.
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