Three very bright, very spoiled sisters have their father wrapped around their little fingers so tightly that he lets them get and do whatever they wish. Sounds ideal, doesn't it? Like most things that are too good to be true this situation makes a change for the worse when their aunt arrives to take charge of everything. Thrilled? No, not these girls who do all they can to make their aunt's life as unpleasant as possible and when that doesn't work they try to marry her off. Fortunately all is resolved in Narinder Dhami's BINDI BABES. If you like this one then you won't want to miss the rest of the series.
Best for grades 5-8, this title was the July selection for the Snacktime Reader's book discussion group at the Central Library. This is a group for students in grade four and older and their parents. If you love reading and tasty snacks then this is the group for you. It meets the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Children's Room of the Central Library 222 East Harvard, Glendale, CA 91205 at 7 p.m. For more information, please call (818)548-2035.
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