"I started to draw on the top of my binder,
like it seems I always do
when I don't know what else to do, so I
didn't notice that she was trying to hand me
a red leather notebook (this very one i'm writing in),
and she said: "Georgia, why don' we make
a deal? I will excuse you
from coming to Guidance for a while, provided-
you promise to write down your thoughts and feelings
at least a few times a week
in this diary. You don't have to show it to me, or to anybody,
unless you want to,
and it might be a good idea if you tried-sometimes , or
all the time if you want-
to write down what you might tell, or what you might ask,
your mother
if she were here."
Pieces of Georgia: A Novel by Jen Bryant is a heart wrenching story of a girl coping with the loss by piecing herself, family and friends back together one piece at a time.
For readers in 4th and up.
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